Saturday, August 14, 2010

As one of the guinea pigs for a huge and powerful pharmaceutical company, I´m currently locked up for a few days in one of the largest hospitals in Sweden.
The rules here are very simple. Drink the vicous brew that they serve you. Don´t leave the ward. Stay in bed as much as possible. Give the nurses whatever they want - measurements or samples, blood or urine. Don´t be cheap. And do the strange tests that they want you to do, when you have to watch flashing letters and numbers and pictures, while you, dazed and confused, are hysterically pressing buttons on a computer. Do all this, and whatever else they tell you to do, and you will receive an assload of money.
The days here are surreal. I´m comatozed and cozy. I´m all warm inside. Fuzzy. And everybody here is so nice to me, and they show a seldomly seen interest in my urine. Tall white coats are standing next to my bed, telling me that I´m being good when I´m doing absolutely nothing but lying down.
It´s not the first time I´m participating in one of these experiments, and no experiment is exactly like the one before. But one thing remains exactly the same. I always, always listen to Selected Ambient Works Vol. II while in here. It´s just the perfect soundtrack for experimenting with pharmaceutical drugs, while white coats are patting you, and strange machines and weird looking medical equipment are beeping and hissing in the background. It all becomes one. All becomes one. And I´m connected with wires to the heart of a computer. Or. Maybe it´s just the drug.

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