Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The sorely forgotten link to the Midwest Years recalled

As a was follower of the Hot Diggity Dog Blog pointed out to me I forgot Cincinnati Chili out completely. And my remarks on the stuff is as fallows: I grew up with it therefore I love it and will never need a menu to order my chili. I will eat it at anytime and order the same thing, three coneys with (you would get this if you made food there). So if you have tired it and just don't get it, thats fine I will eat yours.
So sorry I left this out. Thanks Anoynomous commenter!! big ups!

A Recent Vaction...

I recently returned from an exciting family vacation to Wally World. Here are some sick piks.

here is a picture of the family wagon.
Watch out Dad!!
Our lovely accommodationsThe Highway!!An open highway and a packed rest station. phew man!

An ode to founding fathers

Since today be the day our beloved packaged meat was invented and consumed here is a photo of Oscar Myer and Marc Frank, respectively. Thank you for everything, truly.

Monday, August 24, 2009

WYR-Bantha Fodder

Would you rather be addicted to sleeping pills or eat McDonald's for every meal?

Sunday, August 23, 2009



The Life of a Hot Dog Dealer

Growing up as a Hot Dog dealer hasn't been easy by any means, yet here I am blogging away. I have had the chance to meet many fun interesting people and form great relationships with them and when it comes down to it the ultimate test of a relationship is how you deal with each other when separated. Now living in the South the great United States east coast, I have to try to remember what my friends look like and how they are represented in my mind. That being said here is a pictorial list I have complied over the last couple of days of them:

Pete Schirripa aka "Rip" self explanatory:

Peter's partner in fashion crimes West Coast livin' Miss Erin Abeln. Seen here discussing the latest fashion with intern friend, whom is unknown, but introduced her to gay friend Jared one time:

Brooke Bowen, a mutual friend, I had the pleasure of drinking PBR with this lass at Lincoln Park's finest establishments last year. Seen here in her signature fashion working it in different social scenarios:

Drew Priest aka sleep master/sleeping guy/big Drew/Sleep-o. May be seen scooting around Chicago chauffeuring on a rickshaw? Well Drew and I spent a large amount of time on the set of 1237 west. So much fun!!!:
Caitlin Darcy the most mysterious women of the know world. She with holds more knowledge about men then most men and has a keen eye for casual cashmere. Watch out J.Crew!:

Ross Young, the ultimate outdoors men or so he thinks. Cousin and friend til the end if mountain biking doesn't get in the way first:
Will Payne. Future politician and father of four. Really great guy ladies he has got a hybrid and is fully committed to the democratic political agenda...just saying:

Mark Albain is a true guy that loves the finest of simple things. Such as fishing, cycling, coffee, cigars, fashion, sneakers, technology and facial hair:

Evan DeKaser, all around swell young man whom is, in the words of Peter, "down for anything" not to mention one smooth motherfucker:

This conclueds the first installment of Life as a Hot Dog Dealer. Check back to see if you make the list.

Disclaimer-not intended to hurt feelings

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Erin Strikes

News story from South San Fransico current City of our very own Erin.

A man is on trial in San Mateo County on charges that he smacked a fellow transient in the face with a skateboard as the victim engaged in a conversation about quantum physics, authorites said Wednesday.
Janson Keller, 40, allegedly accosted another man, Steve Fava, on the 200 block of Grand Ave in South San Fran about 1:45 pm.
At the time Fava was chatting with an acquaintance about "quantum physics and the splitting of atoms" according to prosecutors.
Keller joined in the conversation and for reasons unknown got upset and picked up his skateboard and hit Fava in the face with it splitting his lip.
Fava also fell and broke his ankle. how this happened is unknown.

Erin loves San Fran, I guess.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monkey meets Vann Goo

Seeing as it is Monday here is a weekly Would You Rather(WYR)- Soo would you rather be a dark ages peasant or a turn of the 18th century slave in Georgia? leave your comments

Sunday, August 16, 2009


this is a test to see if you are on the email list

The Midwest Years

The 19 or so years I have spent in the Midwest has embedded traits and showed me things many would long to experience. After recently moving to the east coast, North Carolina, I decided to write my thoughts on the glory of America. I won't bore you anymore with hype or nostalgia. This is a list of the Midwest things according to me.

10. Truck Stops and Highways- Getting lost on the ol' ghost highways anywhere in the Heartland is a trip. One highway can be three or more at a time, disorienting even the hardest road man. But you can always depend on a killer truck stop to pop up. Blowing up like Vegas in the middle of nowhere, providing legal matters inside while the truckers get down with who knows what outside. Next thing you know you got a mesh cap, dream catcher, jerky, brew, and chew. Take it back on the road and forget to tell 'em large marge sent ya.

9. Lake and Rivers- Pure Midwest Culture- a boat, a twelver, and a sandbar. The finest accommodations the Midwest have to offer, especially after a big day or week. Just throw the word out after a blue collar work day and eventually someone will come forward like "My cousins got a boat." and its on. Wash your crust away in the green water that's good living.

8. Cousins Subs or Jimmy Johns- Damn. That's a tough call. Whats yours? I know a few dudes that have to cross it off their list immediately upon their arrival. You can find some hidden ones around the country, but the Midwest is where they're at. Usually a debate heats up in the van on which is better of the two. Even though it usually ends up in a stalemate, it still kills an hour or so in the car on the way to the three dollar theater.

7. Louisville- OK, the skate park is growing to mythological territory. open through the night with a hint of anarchy in the air, unknowns ripping, Slipknot kids selling grass, and the tattooed moms. People from all over, basically showing up to get some or get served. A huge Midwest hub and people watching mecca. ICP, Fool.

6. Gary, Indiana- After the visiting Indianapolis and the gun-point hospitality of Fort Wayne, if you are heading North to Chicago, prepare for Gary. Whoa! Rusting industrial hell forgotten at the bottom of Lake Michigan. Seriously, brunt out Burger Kings and sidewalks that lead to nowhere but the twilight zone.

5. Chi-town- What can I say but tis the city. Many shared experiences here with great friends. I must say to the Chicago natives, however, grow a pair. Seriously I am not sorry for giving you a hard time. And if you don't live downtown and in the Suburbs you are not from Chicago, you belong to your respective 'burb. Don't let this discourage you there is plenty fun to be had with a fake id.

4. Wisconsin- The smell of cheese, breweries, and motorcycle exhaust all at once. Damn that stinks good. Homies usually get excited once the variety of beer sinks in: Blatz, Schlitz, Leinekugel, Sprecher- it's futile to attempt a list. Sorry, but people in Wisconsin get damn thirsty. Hence, Milwaukee. It's a right of passages for any out of towner to blindly pick up a dive in Mil and kick back with the locals.

3. The Upper Mississippi- Fucking ancient black water rolling to the Southern Delta cutting this fine country in Half. The divider, it's what makes the Midwest. Thee original Highway, inspiring authors and nomads alike. From harvest moonlights reflecting off the cold waters to the summer river boat rallies, it connects the heartland and makes it one. the region is huge, so its difficult to touch on all the aspects, but that's where you come in.

2. Ohio- Home to John Glenn, The Wright Brothers, Ohio River, 3C Highway, Poor Professional Sports, Oktoberfest, Geotta, First major league baseball squad, and Little Kings Ale. legit

1. ???- what are your Midwest experiences?